Die Homepage: http://www.shl-telemedicine.com/about-us/investorrelations/
Nachdem es erstaunlicherweise keine Treat zu diesem an der Schweizer Börse notierten Unternehmen gibt, wird es Zeit, hierzu einen Threat zu eröffnen. Vielleicht findet sich der eine oder andere Investierte um über Entwicklungen zu berichten oder zu diskutieren.
Anlass für die Erstellung sollen die heute gemeldeten Zahlen zum Geschäftsjahr 2014 sein, denn sie lassen ein deutlich besseres Jahr 2015 erwarten, insbesondere wenn man die Zahlen für das 4.Quartal 2014 betrachtet.
Das Unternehmen ist nur mässig verschuldet und die Marktkapitalisierung beträgt z. Zt. bei einem Kurs von 8,34 CHF ungefähr 91 Mio. CHF. Der Umsatz 2015 sollte bei mindestens 50 Mio.U$ liegen (vorsichtig geschätzt)! Auf der Basis des aktuellen Kurses errechnet sich damit ein mässiges KuV von 180%. Berücksichtigt man den positiven Trend beim Ertrag, dürfte die Aktie auf dem aktuellen Niveau aufgrund des absehbaren positiven Ertragstrends gut abgesichert sein und bei positivem Newsflow beträchtliches Kurspotential auf längere Sicht besitzen!
Ein Auszug aus der heutigen Mitteilung:
[SIZE=12pt]Financial Highlights[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]Over the course of 2014, revenues increased considerably year over year due primarily to the growth in SHL’s German business. Even with the increased investments in geographical expansion, SHL's financial performance has strengthened, with improved gross profit and operating results.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]In Q4 2014 the USD significantly appreciated against the Israeli Shekel (NIS) and the EUR, accelerating a trend observed since August 2014. Thus, SHL’s revenues, which are presented in USD, are lower than in the previous quarters, with a corresponding decline in expenses – a purely translational effect.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]Revenues for the quarter grew by 16.9% (28.6% at constant exchange rates*) and amounted to USD 9.0 million (USD 9.9 million in constant currency) compared to USD 7.7 million in Q4 2013.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]For the entire year revenues grew by 34.7% (34.0% at constant exchange rates*) and amounted to USD 40.0 million compared to USD 29.7 million in 2013.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]Gross profit for the quarter amounted to USD 4.9 million (54.4% of revenues) compared to USD 4.4 million (57.1% of revenues) in Q4 2013. In 2014, gross profit amounted to USD 22.3 million (55.8% of revenues) compared to a gross profit of USD 15.9 million (53.5% of revenues) in 2013.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]EBITDA for the quarter amounted to USD 2.0 million (22.2% of revenues) with EBIT for the quarter amounting to USD 0.6 million, compared with an EBITDA of USD 4.3 million and EBIT of USD 3.1 million in Q4 2013.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt] In 2014, EBITDA amounted to USD 7.4 million (18.5% of revenues) with an EBIT of USD 1.3 million (3.3% of revenues), compared with an EBITDA of USD 8.1 million and an EBIT of USD 3.1 million in 2013.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]In 2013 the company recorded a gain of USD 8.5 million from the acquisition of German almeda, thus excluding such one-time gain, operating profit improved significantly.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]Net Profit for the quarter was USD 0.5 million (USD 0.05 per share) compared to a net income of USD 3.7 million (USD 0.36 per share) for the fourth quarter of 2013.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]For 2014, net income amounted to USD 0.8 million (USD 0.08 per share) compared to a net income of USD 2.2 million (USD 0.22 per share) in 2013. Again, excluding such one-time gain recorded in 2013 net profit for the quarter and for the year has improved considerably.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]Cash Flow from operations in the quarter was USD 0.1 million compared to a negative operating cash flow of USD 0.1 million in Q4 2013. Cash used in operations during the year amounted to USD 3.1 million compared to USD 2.6 million, excluding one-time payment of USD 5.2 million received in the first quarter of 2013. Cash, cash equivalents and marketable securities amounted to USD 17.7 million at December 31, 2014.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]Balance sheet. SHL's assets at 31 December 2014 totalled USD 92.1 million with shareholders' equity amounting to USD 61.4 million (66.7% of balance sheet) compared to assets of USD 107.8 million with shareholders' equity amounting to USD 68.9 million at 31 December 2013. The decrease in the reported shareholders' equity and total assets is mainly attributable to the appreciation of the USD against the NIS resulting in a corresponding decrease of the foreign currency translation reserve in the equity section in the amount of USD 7.7 million.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]SHL’s management expects its growth strategy will result in continued expansion in 2015. Top line is foreseen to grow more than 20% year-over-year in constant currency[/SIZE]
Nachdem es erstaunlicherweise keine Treat zu diesem an der Schweizer Börse notierten Unternehmen gibt, wird es Zeit, hierzu einen Threat zu eröffnen. Vielleicht findet sich der eine oder andere Investierte um über Entwicklungen zu berichten oder zu diskutieren.
Anlass für die Erstellung sollen die heute gemeldeten Zahlen zum Geschäftsjahr 2014 sein, denn sie lassen ein deutlich besseres Jahr 2015 erwarten, insbesondere wenn man die Zahlen für das 4.Quartal 2014 betrachtet.
Das Unternehmen ist nur mässig verschuldet und die Marktkapitalisierung beträgt z. Zt. bei einem Kurs von 8,34 CHF ungefähr 91 Mio. CHF. Der Umsatz 2015 sollte bei mindestens 50 Mio.U$ liegen (vorsichtig geschätzt)! Auf der Basis des aktuellen Kurses errechnet sich damit ein mässiges KuV von 180%. Berücksichtigt man den positiven Trend beim Ertrag, dürfte die Aktie auf dem aktuellen Niveau aufgrund des absehbaren positiven Ertragstrends gut abgesichert sein und bei positivem Newsflow beträchtliches Kurspotential auf längere Sicht besitzen!
Ein Auszug aus der heutigen Mitteilung:
[SIZE=12pt]Financial Highlights[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]Over the course of 2014, revenues increased considerably year over year due primarily to the growth in SHL’s German business. Even with the increased investments in geographical expansion, SHL's financial performance has strengthened, with improved gross profit and operating results.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]In Q4 2014 the USD significantly appreciated against the Israeli Shekel (NIS) and the EUR, accelerating a trend observed since August 2014. Thus, SHL’s revenues, which are presented in USD, are lower than in the previous quarters, with a corresponding decline in expenses – a purely translational effect.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]Revenues for the quarter grew by 16.9% (28.6% at constant exchange rates*) and amounted to USD 9.0 million (USD 9.9 million in constant currency) compared to USD 7.7 million in Q4 2013.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]For the entire year revenues grew by 34.7% (34.0% at constant exchange rates*) and amounted to USD 40.0 million compared to USD 29.7 million in 2013.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]Gross profit for the quarter amounted to USD 4.9 million (54.4% of revenues) compared to USD 4.4 million (57.1% of revenues) in Q4 2013. In 2014, gross profit amounted to USD 22.3 million (55.8% of revenues) compared to a gross profit of USD 15.9 million (53.5% of revenues) in 2013.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]EBITDA for the quarter amounted to USD 2.0 million (22.2% of revenues) with EBIT for the quarter amounting to USD 0.6 million, compared with an EBITDA of USD 4.3 million and EBIT of USD 3.1 million in Q4 2013.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt] In 2014, EBITDA amounted to USD 7.4 million (18.5% of revenues) with an EBIT of USD 1.3 million (3.3% of revenues), compared with an EBITDA of USD 8.1 million and an EBIT of USD 3.1 million in 2013.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]In 2013 the company recorded a gain of USD 8.5 million from the acquisition of German almeda, thus excluding such one-time gain, operating profit improved significantly.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]Net Profit for the quarter was USD 0.5 million (USD 0.05 per share) compared to a net income of USD 3.7 million (USD 0.36 per share) for the fourth quarter of 2013.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]For 2014, net income amounted to USD 0.8 million (USD 0.08 per share) compared to a net income of USD 2.2 million (USD 0.22 per share) in 2013. Again, excluding such one-time gain recorded in 2013 net profit for the quarter and for the year has improved considerably.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]Cash Flow from operations in the quarter was USD 0.1 million compared to a negative operating cash flow of USD 0.1 million in Q4 2013. Cash used in operations during the year amounted to USD 3.1 million compared to USD 2.6 million, excluding one-time payment of USD 5.2 million received in the first quarter of 2013. Cash, cash equivalents and marketable securities amounted to USD 17.7 million at December 31, 2014.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]Balance sheet. SHL's assets at 31 December 2014 totalled USD 92.1 million with shareholders' equity amounting to USD 61.4 million (66.7% of balance sheet) compared to assets of USD 107.8 million with shareholders' equity amounting to USD 68.9 million at 31 December 2013. The decrease in the reported shareholders' equity and total assets is mainly attributable to the appreciation of the USD against the NIS resulting in a corresponding decrease of the foreign currency translation reserve in the equity section in the amount of USD 7.7 million.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]SHL’s management expects its growth strategy will result in continued expansion in 2015. Top line is foreseen to grow more than 20% year-over-year in constant currency[/SIZE]