Weiss jemand ob es Untersuchungen gibt, wielange eine (freiwillige) Umfrage in der Regel dauern sollte damit die Rücklaufquote ideal ist?
Hat mich gerade interessiert und habe noch einen Artikel gefunden (der aber leider nur über einen Unizugang gratis verfügbar ist):Fan, W., & Yan, Z. (2010). Factors affecting response rates of the web survey: A systematic review.
Computers in Human Behavior, 26 (2), 132-139.
Hier der entscheidende Abschnitt:
"Third, the length of a survey generally are found to have a negative linear relation with response rates in both mail and web surveys, although the effect sizes in various studies range from strong to very weak (Cook et al., 2000, Edwards et al., 2002, Heberlein and Baumgartner, 1978, Singer, 1978, Walston et al., 2006 and Yammarino et al., 1991). The variation in the estimated effect sizes is partially due to various measures used in reporting the survey length, including the number of questions, the number of pages, the number of screens, and the time of completing a survey (Cook et al., 2000). Based on the two studies conducted among college students, thirteen minutes or less of the completion time is considered as the idea length to obtain a good response rate (Asiu et al., 1998 and Handwerk et al., 2000)."
Gut wären also 13 Minuten. Wenn meine Umfrage 26 Minuten dauert, ist diese also zweimal so gut