Herbalife (HLF)

Heute könnte der Hammer kommen, Untersuchung durch FTC...

"The Federal Trade Commission will co-host a press conference in Lexington, KY, today at 1 p.m. ET (Noon Central Time), with the Kentucky Attorney General’s office, to announce a major action against an allegedly illegal pyramid scheme."
http://www.streetinsider.com/Trader+Tal ... ent=intbro
Wobei unklar um welche Firma es konkret geht, werde dann ein Update machen...

Update: Scheint nicht konkret um HLF zu gehen, könnte aber trotzdem Auswirkungen haben auf HLF wenn Geschäftsmodell dieser Firma X ähnlich ist/war. Ging um diese Firma:



Ein paar interessante Hintergünde in diesem Artikel zu den Long- und Short-Positionen:The Big Short War

Hedge-fund titan Bill Ackman has vowed to bring down Herbalife, the 33-year-old nutritional-supplement company, which he views as a pyramid scheme. With his massive shorting of Herbalife stock, the price plummeted, prompting two fellow billionaires—Ackman’s former friend Dan Loeb and activist investor Carl Icahn—to take the opposing bet on Herbalife. As the public brawl rivets Wall Street, William D. Cohan learns why, this time, it’s personal.
http://www.vanityfair.com/business/2013 ... -herbalifeIst wirklich interessant wie milliardenschwere Hedgies irrational mehr einander bekriegen/Positionen starten oder schliessen anstelle rationaler Entscheide :)
Wieder mal Gerüchte, dass HLF dekotiert...

Herbalife LBO Imminent?
http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2013-04-1 ... o-imminentNun, die Frage ist, wer wirft dafür Geld auf und behälrt dann die Firma auf eigenes Risiko? ( Da ich zu 99% sicher bin, es ist ein Pyramidenschema, das eines Tages zusammenkrachen wird...Aktien kann man viel schneller schmeissen als eine Beteiligung. Da wird Icahn wohl in die Röhre schauen, falls er wirklich in HLF investiert bleibt...)
Das Unkraut hält sich gut bisher, +57% in USD...

Herbalife Shares Surge And Close At New 2013 High (Forbes) Shares of Herbalife Ltd. (NYSE:HLF), the controversial nutritional supplements seller, surged by more than 6.6% on Monday and closed at their highest level this year. Herbalife Ltd. (NYSE:HLF)’s stock has now returned 57% in 2013, making it one of the best-performing major stocks in the nation this year. The stock closed at $52.30 on Monday, higher than $50.54, which was its closing price May 21 and the stock’s previous highest close in 2013. The run-up of Herbalife Ltd. (NYSE:HLF)’s stock is terrible news for William Ackman, the billionaire hedge fund manager who has placed a $1 billion bet against Herbalife Ltd. (NYSE:HLF)’s stock and has been publicly calling the company a pyramid scheme since December. Ackman’s Pershing Square hedge fund underperformed the U.S. stock market in the first half of the year, returning about 6% after fees, weighed down by its big Herbalife Ltd. (NYSE:HLF) +6.67%short.
Heftig, jetzt musste Ackman seine Shorts umschichten...

Ackman Books Herbalife Losses, Forced To Cover 40% Of Short To Avoid Being "Forced To Cover" ShortIt just keeps getting worse and worse for Bill Ackman.A few weeks after the epic humiliation, not to mention even more epic losses, he suffered on his now defunct JCP long position (despite ample warnings by the likes of Zero Hedge who said long ago JCP is merely a melting icecube and fast-track Chapter 11/7 candidate) all those who predicted (such as Zero Hedge back in January) that an epic HLF short squeeze would result in the aftermath of Ackman's Herbalife short announcement leading to Ackman's ultimate capitulation, have been proven correct. Moments ago, in a letter to investors, Bill Ackman just announced that he has covered over 40% of his Herbalife short position, with his forced buy-in explaining the endless move higher in Herbalife stock in recent weeks. The explanation of being forced out of nearly half of his position is amusing: "we minimize the risk of so-called short squeezes or other technical attempts by market manipulators to force us to cover our position." So Ackman is forced out by his Prime Brokers so as not to be forced out by market manipulators? That's an interesting explanation for what is a far simple situation: booking your paper losses.
http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2013-10-0 ... over-shortAus dem Brief an seine Investoren, Aktien mit OTC-Put-Optionen ersetzt und Position reduziert:
5In order to mitigate the risk of further mark-to-market losses on Herbalife, in recent weeks wehave restructured the position by re ducing our short equity position by more than 40% andreplacing it with long- term derivatives, principally over-the-counter put options. The restructuring of the position preserves our opportunity for profit–if the Company fails within areasonable time frame we will make a similar amount of profit as if wehad maintained the entireinitial short position–while mitigating the risk of further substantial mark-to-market losses–because our exposure on the put options is limited to the total premium paid. In restructuring theposition, we have also reduced the amount of capital consumed by the investment from 16% to 12% of our funds.We were able to restructure the position cost effectively due to several factors. Over the last 60or so days, the cost to borrow Herbalife shares has declined substantially while the stock pricehas risen. Shortly after we filed a formal complaint withthe SEC regarding what we believe tobe unlawfully manipulative conduct by other market participants , the cost to borrow Herbalifeshares dropped substantially to the lowest rate since prior to our presentation last December.In an unrelated recent enforcement action, the SEC confirmed thatattempting to engineer a short squeeze by removing stock from the available lending baseis a form of market manipulation.Because of the rise of the stock price, the low cost of borrow, and the fact that we are betting onthe failure of the Company, we have been able to purchase long- dated, privately negotiated out - of - the- money put options on terms that offer us an attractive opportunity for profit versus theircost. Furthermore, by substantially reducing the size ofour short position as a percentage of theshare float, we minimize the risk of so - called short squeezes or other technical attempts bymarket manipulators to force us to cover our position. In that a substantial component of the bullcase on Herbalife is predicated on forcing us to cover, we think the restructuring of our investmentnegates this important pillar of the bull case.The biggest risk of the restructured position is that time begins to be a factor with respect to aportion of our investment.We believe, however, that the long - term nature of the options we ownwill provide sufficient time for us to be rewarded on this portion of our position. In that theoptions are privately negotiated, over-the- counter contracts, we have the ability to extend their terms ,if we deem it prudent and attractive to do so in the future.At yesterday’s closing price of $72.84, we believe the potential reward from being shortHerbalife is extremely attractive relative to the risk of loss. Using the average analysts’ price target of $77 per share – which assumes that the Company is operating entirely legally –investors have less than 6% upside compared with 100% downside if the Company is determinedto be a pyramid scheme by regulators.In my vareer, I have not seen a less attractive risk - reward ratio than a long investment inHerbalife common stock at current levels.
Herbalife hat sektiererische Züge. Und ist zumindest teilweise als Schneeballsystem konstruiert. Verluste an die Einsteiger, Gewinne an den Kopf der Schlange. Eigentlich sollte man meinen, dass die Leute sich nicht so leicht verleiten lassen, diesen Mist zu verkaufen. Aber eben, die Hoffnung auf einen Verdienst verschleiert den klaren Blick.Ein Einstieg in eine solche Firma (Aktienkauf) stellt die Frage nach der eigenen Ethik......und der Verlustfähigkeit ;)

Herbalife hat sektiererische Züge. Und ist zumindest teilweise als Schneeballsystem konstruiert. Verluste an die Einsteiger, Gewinne an den Kopf der Schlange. Eigentlich sollte man meinen, dass die Leute sich nicht so leicht verleiten lassen, diesen Mist zu verkaufen. Aber eben, die Hoffnung auf einen Verdienst verschleiert den klaren Blick.
Erstaunlich ist, wie sie über 30 Jahre immer wieder neue Leute verführen konnten mit angeblich hohem erreichbarem Nebeneinkommen...die Fluktuationsrate ist ja extrem hoch, nach ein paar Monaten merken 99% der Leute, dass man damit nur wenig oder gar kein Geld verdienen kann und steigen wieder aus bei Herbalife.Irgendwann müssen Ihnen doch die neuen "Rekruten" ausgehen und HLF wird massiv Umsatzeinbussen haben, darauf spekulierte ja auch Ackman. Doch wann? Wenn keine Behörde einschreitet kann das noch ein paar Jahre weitergehen.Würde gerne wissen über welchen Zeitraum Ackman seine Put-Optionen hat...vielleicht "rollt" er sie auch. In jedem Fall hat er nun eine risikoärmere Strategie als direkt Aktien zu shorten.
Genauso wie die Tupperware, Kosmetik, Kleider "Verkäufer". Man sollte meinen, das sei nun langsam jedem bekannt. Aber der Enkeltrick geht ja auch immer noch. Und die Hütchenspieler.Die Dummen sterben nie aus. Oder die, welche meinen, dass sie es besser können als "die Anderen" :D

Ackman gibt nicht auf...die Schlacht der Milliardäre geht bald in Runde zwei :D

After nearly a year of getting ravaged from the war raging in Herbalife's (NYSE: HLF) stock, hedge fund manager Bill Ackman has survived and is slowly gaining his strength back. Battle-hardened, he is now preparing for a new attack.Following up on yesterday's initial report from CNBC, Pershing Square confirmed to StreetInsider.com that Bill Ackman will indeed be presenting again about the MLM company at the upcoming Robin Hood Investors Conference being held Thursday, November 21 and Friday, November 22.While the content of the presentation could not be learned, a Pershing Square spokesperson said "there will be new information."Shares of Herbalife are up 50% since Mr. Ackman first revealed he was short on December 19, 2012. At the Ira Sohn conference, the day after the short became public knowledge, Ackman laid out a very detailed 334-page report on why Herbalife is a pyramid scheme and the stock is worth "zero." This is when the bombardment on Ackman started. After initially selling off on the 'Ack-attack,' some hedge funds smelled blood in the water. Not only was the Herbalife short thesis well-known for years to no avail, but now the sharks on Wall Street knew just how exposed Ackman was in the already crowded short. They colluded, intentionally or not, to create a short squeeze of epic proportion to bring down the mighty Ackman.
http://www.streetinsider.com/Hedge+Fund ... 36982.html
Es scheint, als ob Herbalife (HLF) eine kontroverse Firma ist, die in der Schweiz aktiv ist und ein Multi-Level-Marketing (MLM)-System betreibt. Ähnlich wie bei Amway und Avon haben einige behauptet, dass das MLM-System von HLF ein Schneeballsystem oder Pyramidenmodell ist. Diese Ansicht wird von einem Hedgefonds geteilt, der seit Dezember 2012 ein Kursziel von Null prognostiziert. Es gibt auch eine Website (http://factsaboutherbalife.com/), die weitere Details und eine umfangreiche Präsentation in PDF-Form enthält.

Trotz dieser Kontroversen besteht Herbalife seit 1980 und hat bisher rechtliche Angriffe überstanden. Die Volatilität der Aktien könnte sie für Trader interessant machen, aber es ist wichtig zu beachten, dass die Firma wahrscheinlich alle verfügbaren Mittel nutzen wird, um sich zu verteidigen. Es könnte zu einem längeren Rechtsstreit kommen.

Hier ist auch ein CNBC-Video-Link für weitere Informationen: http://video.cnbc.com/gallery/?video=3000136542